Episode 194: #RewindWednesday: The Brilliance of Stuart Gordon

With Twin Cities Con this weekend, CatBusRuss is promising a lot of content for "Ninety For Chill" before next Wednesday. In the meantime, our host decided to make sure that all of the Stuart Gordon directed features that he has come across makes his current podcast feed.

"Robot Jox", "Castle Freak", and "Dagon" are all low-budget bangers. And after ⁠Russ⁠ brings up the 2013 no-budget stinker "Eternal Damn Nation", you will have a greater appreciation of the man who did the most to honor H.P. Lovecraft's horrors (and, to a lesser extent, Tommy Wiseau).


Episode 195: Live From Twin Cities Con 2024 - Ninety For Chill: The Panel


Episode 193: "Labyrinth" or What My Niece Called "Bowie: The Movie" with HappyBeebsMeowMeow