Episode 201: Captain America v. #Filmsky & ThePoeticCritic

It is a new era for "Ninety For Chill: The Podcast". CatBusRuss insists that 70 to 100 minutes is the ideal runtime for most movies, but when something topical comes along, it may capture his or potential guests' curiosity. If it is crazy enough, the film may grab hold of the collective attention, at the very least ⁠Russ⁠'s.

Welcome to the "I Dig Crazy Flicks" era of the podcast. It allows for a greater range in cinema to discuss and is definitely more marketable. And the craziness kicks off this year after Russ saw his father's reaction to a television ad for "Captain America: Brave New World".

His dad has never been to the theater to catch a Marvel movie, and with his reaction to Harrison Ford transform from POTUS to Hulk, it is unlikely he will despite CatBus explaining why it makes perfect sense.

Let it be stated, Russ is not the most logically sound of his family. He probably should not have left that conversation so pumped to skip pass "Wakanda Forever", "Quantumania", and "Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3". Our host might just be quick to excite, so he decided to consult with his older sister, ThePoeticCritic, to perhaps talk him down...or trigger his argumentative nature as the two breakdown the flaws of franchise factories and post-pandemic cinema.


Bonus: Fan Expo NOLA: Day 2 - Bootleggers, Arial Artistry, & Renounced Jedi