#Thanksgiving Bonus Episode: Thankskilling, Thankskilling 3, and Black Friday

CatBusRuss is not really a Thanksgiving fan. The high school wrestling season started that weekend, so enjoying the feast was not really an option. Granted, NinetyForChill's host grew up a picky eater, so the holiday did not really offer anything for him. Let us not even get into familiar anxiety. Horror may be too extreme a term for the fourth week of November, but then came his career in customer service. So the "ThanksKilling" franchise and the Bruce Campbellproduced "Black Friday" may be appropriate comfort viewing for the holiday season kick off.


Ep. 192: #RewindWednesday - Venom 2 & Event Horizon - Teased Carnage & True Carnage


Bonus: TV Animation & Disney Damnation the MEGA Pod