Episode 196: David Cronenberg and His Rabid Gangster Bugs

If you need a director to provide you with a perfect 90 minutes of cinema, your best bet maybe ⁠David Cronenberg⁠. The past two years on ⁠NinetyForChill.com⁠, the best features ⁠CatBusRuss⁠ has found were helmed by this Canuck composer. Here, ⁠Russ⁠ offers his thoughts on three classics from the master of body horror: "⁠A History of Violence⁠", "⁠Rabid⁠", and "⁠Naked Lunch⁠".


Episode 197: Pik'n Away at "Hard Target" with CouchManBakes


Episode 195: Live From Twin Cities Con 2024 - Ninety For Chill: The Panel